The timing was perfect for the new website to go live on the date of the first Rockabema Snow Rangers club meeting of the season.

Hey, it's Steph, your webmaster, with a big thank you to the club for putting their faith in me to design your website. It was created as an informational website for club members as well as visitors, with these goals in mind:
Increase Memberships
Online Payment Options
Facilitate Tasks for Club Officers
When I work with an organization, creating the website is just the foundation of the work I do. There's more going on "behind the scenes," to optimize the club's online presence. Rockabema Snow Rangers now has a verified presence in Google Business Profile and Google Maps, with the ability for people to leave a review and to upload photos.
Speaking of reviews, a big shout out to club member Laura Mae Brackett for leaving the first review! To celebrate, I turned it into a video:
Go ahead and watch it on YouTube, and while you are there, "like it," and leave a comment about how great the club is. The more people who engage with the video, the more Google will favor it by showing it in search engines, resulting in more people learning about the club.
Over the years, many snowmobile-related websites, associations, blogs, etc. have mentioned Rockabema Snow Rangers online. Most of them contain outdated information. We want to make them aware of the new web address and phone number, so that will be an ongoing project. In your travels on the web, if you run across any, please let me or a club officer know.
Krissy is set up to receive a weekly breakdown of the website traffic. Here's a snapshot of the traffic your new website had since it went live on September 10th:

I'd also like to thank everyone who contributed to the site so far:
Travis Libby for making this possible
Krissy Ruttenberg for answering many emails providing the inspiration for the Welcome message on the home page
Jon Harvey for his knowledge of the trails you maintain
Dee Hunt for the stunning image on the home page that inspired the site theme about riding Northern Maine's most scenic trails
Dan Bacon and Ethan Stanchfield for giving me permission to use their photographs of snowmobiles on the trails the club maintains
Dennis Brackett, my number one cheerleader
Member Christopher Smith, who basically spent the weekend helping me improve the user experience after he joined the club online. His feedback was invaluable.
I'm so impressed with your Sponsor-a-Mile program and hope it continues to grow. Supporting local businesses is a passion of mine, and I hope they enjoy the recognition given to them throughout the site.
Your new website is a work in progress, and will grow and evolve with the addition of new members who sign up to the site to access the members page, along with your feedback and suggestions. Please leave a comment on this post with any bugs you find, ideas you have or features you'd like to see added to the site.
I look forward to reading Krissy's posts on the member page, and hope it's OK if I pop in every once in a while with updates for members to make you aware of anything new or to provide helpful instructions to get the most out of your new website.
Make something great happen today!