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Groomers, Sleds, and Kids, Oh my!

Reunited again! We are back after having a hiatus from a February meeting. That doesn’t mean we didn’t have anything going on for February, February was a fantastic month to say the least!

Grand Prize: 2023 Skidoo

We were able to host a fantastic Kids Groomer event that brought groomers from several clubs in the area. Giving kids young and old an opportunity to ride in a groomer. We offered free hotdogs, chili, and desserts. It was a wonderful event to see everyone together and the smiles on everyone’s faces. Thanks to all who came!

On February 26th we were able to raffle off our 2023 Skidoo at Casey Savage’s snowmobile race. We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to be able to have the sled on site at the race for folks to lay eyes on the beauty. Congratulations to our grand prize winner Krystal Daggett as well as our cash prize winners Wanda Wilcox, and Cory Green!

Now to our March meeting. We again started out by having a fantastic pot luck dinner with some delicious food!

Our snowmobile raffle was a successful one once again. We started out with slow ticket sales but then once a drawing date was in sight, ticket sales picked up significantly. We were able to sell out of them quicker this year than last.

We reviewed old business and discussed some potential fundraisers that can be done for the 2023-2024 year. We also discussed wanting to look into getting a QR code for next year making it easier to accept payments/donations.

Lastly, our Member Chair Dee Hunt has resigned from her position. We will be looking for a replacement on the position. We wish Dee nothing but the best and thank her for everything she has done for the club and community.

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